In this media kit you can find all conference details, copy ready to be used, visuals, logo, social and official hashtags.
This media kit can be used from 🤝partners,💚sponsors and🎓speakers.
Conference details
jsday will be held on 13th and 14th, April 2023 in Verona & Online.
Language: English

Here is jsday logo in different formats.
Don’t forget to follow our brand guidelines.
Color code: #4C3E8B
Visuals to personalize (for 🤝partners)
We have prepared some Canva template which you can use to announce our partnership and share the discount codes to your community. You have only to follow the instructions that you will find on the first page. If you don’t have a Canva account, you can create one for free.
Here you can find other visuals to share on your socials.
Copy post social (for 🤝 partners, 💚 sponsors and 🎓 speakers)
CFP launch 🤝
We are happy to announce that we are partner of @jsconfit🤩
#CFP is open until Jan 31st, 2023 📅
Submit your talk proposa 👉
More details on
@grusp #jsday2023 #jsday #js #javascript #Automation #Testing #Frameworks #HTML5 #IoT #NodeJS #FunctionalProgramming #Performance #WorkersWebrtc #LanguagesCompiling #Videogames
Potential speakers who filled in the CFP 🎓
I have submitted my talk proposal for @jsconfit 💥
Vote the topic _topic_ as your favourite one:
🎁 By filling in the second part of the form you will receive a discount code!
More details on
@grusp #jsday2023 #jsday #js #javascript #Automation #Testing #Frameworks #HTML5 #IoT #NodeJS #FunctionalProgramming #Performance #WorkersWebrtc #LanguagesCompiling #Videogames
🌈 @grusp runs a #scholarship program to increase #diversiy and #inclusion in tech!
Discover more 👉
#Diversity #Inclusion #Scholarship @grusp #jsday2023 #jsday #js #javascript #Automation #Testing #Frameworks #HTML5 #IoT #NodeJS #FunctionalProgramming #Performance #WorkersWebrtc #LanguagesCompiling #Videogames
Partnership announcement 🤝
📢We are @jsconfit #partner!
Here is a 10% discount code for our community 🎁 _discount code_
More details on
@grusp #jsday2023 #jsday #js #javascript #Automation #Testing #Frameworks #HTML5 #IoT #NodeJS #FunctionalProgramming #Performance #WorkersWebrtc #LanguagesCompiling #Videogames
Sponsorship announcement 💚
We are happy to be @jsconfit #sponsor!
We look forward to meeting you in Verona & Online on 13th and 14th, April 2023!
See you 🎫
@grusp #jsday2023 #jsday #js #javascript #Automation #Testing #Frameworks #HTML5 #IoT #NodeJS #FunctionalProgramming #Performance #WorkersWebrtc #LanguagesCompiling #Videogames
Annuncement talk selected🎓
My talk has been officially selected for @jsconfit!
I look forward to take part to the conference in Verona & Online on 13th and 14th, April 2023!
Get your ticket with my discount code 🎁 _codice sconto_
@grusp #jsday2023 #jsday #js #javascript #Automation #Testing #Frameworks #HTML5 #IoT #NodeJS #FunctionalProgramming #Performance #WorkersWebrtc #LanguagesCompiling #Videogames
Give away free ticket 🤝
🎁 #GiveAway 🎁
Win a free online ticket to attend @jsconfit on 13th and 14th, April 2023!
Take part to the contest:
- comment this post with the talk you look formard to see
- follow our page
⌛ You have time until _deadline_
@grusp #jsday2023 #jsday #js #javascript #Automation #Testing #Frameworks #HTML5 #IoT #NodeJS #FunctionalProgramming #Performance #WorkersWebrtc #LanguagesCompiling #Videogames
Lineup announcement🤝🎓💚
🔔 @jsconfit lineup is officially online 👉
Take part to the conference with our discount code: _discount code_
See you in Verona & Online on 13th and 14th, April 2023 😉
@grusp #jsday2023 #jsday #js #javascript #Automation #Testing #Frameworks #HTML5 #IoT #NodeJS #FunctionalProgramming #Performance #WorkersWebrtc #LanguagesCompiling #Videogames
Copy E-Mail (for 🤝partners)
CFP launch + Early Bird ticket + Discount Code
Object: Take part to jsday! Here are discounts, CFP and Early Bird 😍
we are writing you to announce we are jsday partner!
Call For Paper is officially open 👉
Submit your talk proposal until Jan 31st, 2023 ⏳
Early Bird Tickets are now available!
Use the discount code for our community: _discount code_
You have time until Jan 13, 23! ⏰
You can find all details of the conference on
[E-Mail] Give away + Promo code + line up announcement + Scholarship program
Oggetto: #GiveAway per jsday e speaker line up online😍
ti scriviamo questa breve mail per invitarti a partecipare a jsday di cui siamo partner!
Ecco per te uno sconto: _codice_
I primi talk sono già online, puoi trovarli qui:
Guarda anche la sezione workshop che potrebbe interessarti:
Vuoi vincere un biglietto gratuito per partecipare alla edizione online di jsday del 13th and 14th, April 2023?
Scopri come partecipando al contest!
Ecco come fare:
- scrivi un post sul talk che non vedi l’ora di vedere usando #jsday taggando _handle social partner_
- seguici su un nostro social a tua scelta
- scrivici in privato indicandoci il post
⌛ Hai tempo fino al _deadline_
Affrettati, i biglietti non sono infiniti! 😉
🌈 Ricordati che c’è la possibilità di richiedere una borsa di studio se fai parte di un gruppo sotto rappresentato all’interno del mondo tech o non puoi permetterti i costi della conferenza👉
Ecco i nostri social:
Meetup: _link_
Facebook: _link_
Twitter: _link_
Linkedin: _link_
Slack: _link_
Instagram: _link_
Scopri i prossimi eventi GrUSP sul loro sito
Follow and tag us on socials, we will be happy to be able to give visibility to your posts and reshare them:
You can also tag the GrUSP account on:
Don’t forget to use official hashtags: #jsday2023 #jsday