
Write an article

We would like to give space to members of the GrUSP community in our blog for interesting articles related to the world of web development and best practices in this field. We would like it to be a space of contents from the community for the community. Our blog would like to be a medium for the flow of information, new projects and news.

What can I write on? Here are some ideas

As said, we would like to make the blog a place of inspiration, ideas and opportunities for the national web development scene. Here are some ideas:

  • Talk about your experience as a developer, the challenges you faced, what you did to realise your goals and what tips you would share;
  • Talk about a topic that particularly excites you: a language, a tool or a framework;
  • Write an article related to a topic of one of our conferences;
  • Write a review of one of our events you attended, describing it to those who could not attend. Any examples? cssday 2021 and phpday PUG Edition.

These are just some of the possible ideas. We would like to point out that articles should not promote a product, instead telling about personal experience, a technology or how you managed to solve the problems you encountered.

Doubts, need ideas and suggestions? Send us an email to and we will be happy to help you.

How long should the article be?

We recommend writing an article of about 2000 words, but we are not strict on this front. The ideal is an article that can be read in three to four minutes.

I wrote the article, now how does it work?

Fill in the form at the bottom of this page and we will reply as soon as possible.

Before publishing the article, we reserve the right to review it and communicate any changes regarding the use of inclusive language and verification of commercial purposes. The article will be published with the following information at the end: name, surname, photo and bio of the contributor.

What can we offer to those who decide to devote time to us?

To thank you for your time and support we can offer the following:

  • promotion of the article through our channels, citing you as author;
  • If the article explores a topic related to our conferences, we can publish it on the website of one of our partners;
  • A free ticket to attend an online conference you choose.

Are you one of us? Fill out this form